CoCoWonder's Blog Addicts GiveAway - 5,000 To 20 Individuals Today - Collette Orji

It's Really Random Pick Up. It's About That Time My Blog Wonders! Lets Put Some Some Action To These Words!!!

So, Yes! This Is The Year For - giving! Give Aways! Bonus! For Sharing Mission Moments, For Giving You All My Gifts In Kinds. This Is Not Because I've Got some KIND of Wealth...Honestly! I work Too Much to even be able to afford this. Let's Not Abuse It Please.

So, We will Be Giving 5,000naira to 20 people For A Start!

Give Us Your Name, and Why You Think We Should Give You This Money.

I have appointed those who are going through the comments and they select for me. I don't want to be biased YET! It's Really Goin' To Be A Random Pick.

We shall do this EVERY TWO WEEKS or Every Month - I will Have To Think!

Yours Wonder - Collette Orji

Let the comments Roll...Let The $$$$$$$$ Roll

Those in Cameroon are also qualified please, It's not restricted to those in Nigeria.

Everyone who is abroad, Not In Africa is automatically Disqualified!

To More Than We Can All Be.

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