By Collette Orji - To Have Sex & Cum is a Fundamental Human Right To Both Parties eg The Man & Woman...

Men seem to think Sex was designed just for them. The way most men JUMP off a woman After they have Cum has finally convinced part of my brain to understand what women have been saying since generations that MEN ARE WICKED.

Honestly, I’ve not seen a more Wicked specie with Red blood cells than Men who will do what it takes to get down with a woman & once they Ejaculate - Off they Go!

When we talk about a woman Reaching Orgasm, most Women are Lost here.

This is the only reason some of them will as usual STUPIDLY join forces with Coco Haters( my fav sets).
Sex was not designed primarily for baby making machines. Sex was designed for Pleasure which of course Y'all know that. So dear Men of Wonders, End the wickedness.

This Nonsense can’t just continue!
How many men will still work an extra inch hard to get their woman to come after they have Cum? How many?
How many men have stayed all through that they won’t use their penis & it won’t be selfish & don’t want sex for themselves but just to make the woman Cum?
YET! Women Do This Every Second.
I’m so pissed right now. I mean I’m furious & I mean this by all standards.
So many men OWE me Orgasm!!!! This should be a case in the next senate bill of right agenda. I just feel like to go back & collect all my Unattained Orgasm! This Like Ain’t Fair Man!!!!
Men Are really wicked! I’m beginning to understand this.
If you know making a woman to Cum is not part of what you bargained for: Please ZIP up or Use Soap in your bathroom! Nonsenses.
On a side Note: The way Nigerians JOKE with Rape is why it’s a Shit hole assessment level place. MEN ARE WICKED.
A woman will ask a man to STOP 🛑 & the man says you have to WAIT Till he Cum. Can You All Believe this?

I think Most Of is have been Raped Daily of everything & we can’t Function civilly Anymore.
How many Nigerian men HAVE you Freaking ask them to continue for you to Cum & Your Orgasm was not Valid enough?
How many Nigerian men Have Cum & Continue to play with the female genitalia so the woman Cums also.
Men are Wicked! And All those OWING ME ORGASM—— Hmm 🤔!!!!!!
Rape is Not a Joke, please. Men/ Women - Pay attention to the STOPS PLEASE.
It’s almost impossible for a one-minute man to make a woman Cum during sex. Women don’t Cum like that. It takes Time & Skill. Except of course cunningligous & Fellatio (Visit your dictionary) are well mastered & anyway, you need to tell the man to go see doctors to better his chances cause Women CAN’T be pretending No More.
This is why Women Cheat. No Woman can let go of a man that GIVES HER ORGASM! Especially, by the side except of course in health or life-threatening conditions.
Gender equality covers Both a woman’s right to equally Cum as well as a man’s.

Hopeful - To More Than We Can Be✌🏽

All rights reserved,© Collette Orji

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