Collette Orji - The Cardiovascular System, composition, common & Major problems & Drugs Used...

Whenever you hear the words Cardio, Cardiologists, Cardiovascular - It’s all About ONE thing ONLY, The Heart. 

The cardiovascular system consists of the following:-

1: The Heart: This is a hollow shaped organ which is the size of Your fist πŸ‘ŠπŸ½. The larger your fist πŸ‘ŠπŸ½, the larger your heart, and vice versa. As we grow older in age, the heart becomes larger, weaker & Flabby. The main Function of the Heart is to Pump blood & any failure of the heart to pump blood is known as HEART FAILURE. 

The heart has three layers;

- The Outer layer is known as the pericardium.

-The middle layer is known as the Myocardium 

-The inner layer is known as the Endocardium.

Now let’s go to Number 2

2: The Blood: Blood is life and without Blood, there is no life. Blood gives energy and nourishment.

Let’s talk about the components of blood. 

A) Res Blood cells ( also called Erythrocytes)
These are red blood cells. They carry Haemoglobin. ( this is the oxygen carry power in the blood) it is usually higher in men than women. 

B)White Blood Cells ( also called Leucocytes)
These are body soldiers. Thy fight against infections. The normal body range of WBC is 5000 - 10,000. 

C) Platelets ( also called Thrombocytes)
These ones promote blood clotting. 

Now let’s go to number 3

3: The Blood Vessels. These are just passages which the blood flows. They consist of the following:

i) Arteries: These carry blood away from the heart. They carry pure red blood, oxygenated blood. 

II) Veins: These carry blood back to the heart. They carry dark brown blood, deoxygenated blood. Before getting to the heart, they pick up oxygen from the lungs. 

iii) Capillaries: These connect arteries to the veins.

The blood vessels can suffer commonly from Arteriosclerosis ( when arteries thickens due to loss of elasticity) Or Artheriosclerosis ( accumulation of fat in the blood vessels)

Common problems of the Cardiovascular deals with:
*Edema( accumulation of fluid in the body)
*Agina pectoris ( chest pain due to lack of oxygen to the heart tissues)
*Dyspnea( shortage of breath or difficulties in breathing)
*Arrhythmia which is irregular heartbeats that can be lower ( Bradycardia) or Higher ( Tachycardia). 

The Major Cardiovascular problems have to do with what you all know. 

*Congestive Heart Failure ( CHF)
*Myocardial Infarction ( Heart Attack) 
Cardiomyopathy ( Enlarged Heart)

Before ever giving medications on this system, Vital signs ( Blood Pressure, Temperature, respiration, blood sugar, pain level) must be taken if the drugs can affect the patient. Never take drugs without the knowledge of your vital signs if you suffer from any of these. 

Drugs associated with the Cardiovascular systems are:

-Digoxin for CHF( congestive heart failure) This lowers the pulse. 

-Epinephrine as a Vaso Pressor for shock since it’s constricts the heart allowing blood to perfuse vital organs. 

-Nitroglycerin dor Agina pectoris ( chest pain) as a vasodilator since this helps opens up the heart promoting oxygen and blood to the heart. 

-Laxis, Hydrochlorothiazide( Hctz) as diuretics as these promote Urine flow and reduce body fluid for conditions of Edema and also CHF( congestive heart failure). 

-Coumadin, Heparin, Lovenox As anticoagulant. These drugs help to prevent blood clotting. 

- Norvase, Clonidine, Metoprolol As Anyi Hypertensives. These drugs regulate and lower blood Pressure. 

- Zocor, Lipitor As Anti Lipidomics: These drugs lower cholesterol. 

-Inderal also known as propanolol Hydroca are Anti Arrhythmic that regulate heartbeats. Whether bradycardia( low) or Tachycardia (High). 

-Verapamil, Nifedipine, Procardia As Calcium Chain Blocker drugs also for conditions such as Hypertension.

-Folic Acid, Iron( Fe) known as Hematinics for conditions such as Anaemia. Drugs that purify the blood. 

-Urokinase and streptokinase help promote blood clotting so they are known as Thrombolytics. 

-Vitamin K in its group Hemostatic or Coagulant which promotes blood clothing also. 

Know your Vital Signs before taking these drugs. Know your diagnosis & listen to your doctors & don’t abuse your prescriptions. 

Thanks for reading. To More Than We Can Be. 

Copyright, © Collette Orji

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