How To Assist the Benue State Flood Victims - Call 08033709755 or 080703 729 8736 for more information or pickups too.

Good evening, my name is Doofan Abu-Amali. I am an indigene of Benue State. The flooding situation in my state has left over 11,000 people homeless and devastated.

At this point we can't just watch hence the government is falling short on its responsibility because it's truly overwhelming.

In the light of the above, I will be leading a delegation of some international and National journalists to Makurdi to report first hand the devastating issue in Benue for the world and also donate some relieve materials to the affected as my social responsibility as a daughter of Benue with a media house and good range of friend to help reduce the harsh situation of my people.

I will appreciate if you assist us with whatever your hands can offer right now as nothing is too small. They are desperate need of

1. Food items (All sorts)

2. Clothing (all sorts)

3. Mattresses (Most of them are sleeping on the floor in the IDPs camps).

4. Mosquito's net (treated)

5. Toiletries- Detergents of all kinds, Soaps of all kinds, Tissue papers etc

You can drop all your donations at Papyrus magazine Prince and Princess estate office on Drive1, Corner shop 14, near the Don waters, Apo Abuja from today up to Sunday, 8am to 7pm every day.

Call 08033709755 or 080703 729 8736 for more information or pickups too.

As we respond aptly to this plight that has befallen my people; I pray you don't experience the same fate. Let's do it together

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