Exactly One Year Today Angelina Jolie Filed for divorce from Brad Pitt - Shocking to the world...

Brad Pitt/ Angelina Jolie Dated for 10 years & Finally got married. 2 years later- Jolie files for Divorce. Damn!!!!

Lessons ;

1: Sometimes That Word Marriage Complicates Things.

2: Marriage Spoils Great Relationships

3: Dating For 1 year/ 10 years is No Guaranty that the marriage will Work.

4: Marriages are HARD WORK!

5; Marriages fall Apart- It's NOT a must it must work.

6: Marriage is beautiful ONLY when it's healthy, It's legal to Choose

7: Marriage/ Divorce is no respecter of Persons. It can Happen to Anyone.

8: Married people make their own rules & decisions. No two marriages are the same.

9: Marriage Is Sweet, Beautiful, Legal, Respectful BUT so are many 'Other' things.

10: Marriage is NEVER a DO or DIE affair.


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