Joe Duncan - How To Set Purposeful Goals...

Goals are stepping stones towards your greater vision, mission and purpose, that's all they are and they serve little or no purpose if they do not fit into your vision for life.

  • So step number one to setting purposeful goals is to create and work from your vision for your life, you have to know how you want your life to look and what you want to create and share with the world.
    Step number two is to work out the steps that are going to make that vision a reality. So you may have to look at things like location, education, skill set and experience in order to move in that direction.
    Step number three, once you have mapped out the possible steps to make your ideal life and vision a reality you now finally have a list of goals. Your next challenge is to work out HOW you are going to achieve each step along the way, it's time to start looking at the finer details.
    Step number four, you need to make forward progress on your goals and start taking action. So look at each step you have created and choose the top 3 ideas that you can execute with your current time, energy, skills and resources.
    Step number five, once you've done all that you can start removing the goals that are in conflict with each other and set a realistic timeframe to reach your each of your targets.
    Setting intelligent goals takes time, takes research and requires you to think in great detail about your life, but if you do it right, you'll feel empowered and so much more certain about your life and where you are heading.
    If you need help with setting your vision and purposeful goals in a systemised way, you can download my Blueprint at as it's designed to help you do just that and lay out the steps to actually achieving your goals one step at a time.
    I hope that helps you guys set more meaningful and purposeful goals!
    Go grab your pen and blueprint worksheets for part one and two and let's set some purposeful goals!

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