Collette Orji - Sex is beautiful, Foreplay, Shower, a little Ed Sheeran song, kisses on the neck & biting lips and Laughter is everything ...

That's me! That's how I am to most folks here on Facebook & social media. They are so mad at me and my articles, their stomachs hurt, they wish me evil but like sex & foreplay- they cannot delete, unfriend & block me... they just can't. 

They are all Oliver Twist on me... I'm so sweet, I'm too juicy & smart, they want some more and you know what, if I were them I will feel the same way too. I would want me some CocoWonder but you see, unfortunately, Nev got me & they can only learn from my 'little' wonder mind.

They all want their daughters to be like me, they wanna make sure their future kids grow up thinking this way.
They use me to make examples both in their homes and lifestyle. 
They want their sons to grow up and know that the world is rapidly changing too fast and the girls have understood they now equal. 

So you see, like sweet sex, like shower foreplay, like the swift and soft movements of a real woman's hips and smiles they cannot leave me, they cannot go OFF my page so you understand why I had to start CocowondersblogAddicts!

 So, they can look at me and say that's who and how I want my daughter to grow up.

Beautiful, daring, smart, Kind, sexy, article, Respectful, yet with a BRAIN of her own.
So to the cross of this article, I write for many reasons, Let me share these two... 

1***** So my daughter can grow up and read and understand and reign in her world, her life, her daily endeavours and when she talks to her friends she will say, that's right... My mama taught me well.
 I write so that my son will grow up and read and be smiling and be man up and respect himself, respect  women and know that all human beings are equal, know that he has a mind of his so he should use it to think, to live, to know that he is the head of himself ONLY. That his Wife if he chose to marry is both his equal and his love.
 I want my sons to believe, to be innovative, to protect their happiness. To reign in life. To know all Humanbeings are equal.

2**** So that I can sleep very well, when I sleep. 
Open both of my legs on the bed and SNORE.... because as you can see, no matter how I try, my spirit has refused to be silent.

You see, for it is ONLY here on social media AKA Facebook & Cocowondersblog that the people who disagree with you the most Follows you more & insult you @ the slightest impulse publicly.

The people with no invitation to the occasion TAKE front row seats so they can watch you from different angles and guess what?  They cannot unfriend, Delete, block you because like Fine wine & passionate sex They LOVE your Guts & secretly wish you are on their dial list. Their Lives will be so BORING Without Your Page, They Just can't Leave...

You see, beware of all these people who shout Bible says, Culture, Traditions, Foreforethers, Woman should do this and Bible says this .... this people have been upgrading from Alcatel to Nokia 3310, to Samsung to Blackberry , to IPhone 7... they are already saving money for iPhone 8.

They have moved from post office to emails to DHL to HI5 to MySpace To Facebook and Viber and IMO and Instagram and Snapchat.

The ONLY thing they have REFUSED to move on from is 'their MINDSETS' towards the WOMAN.

In all of these movements, they have refused to see the woman as a human being, capable, equally of choosing to woe a man, marry him, husband him and make him a HouseHusband.

When Coco says it, its abomination according to the same Book and culture that they have moved away from by all standards. They only come back to it when it Favours them to bring a woman to her knees.

My voice will sound as loud as it can as long as there's Facebook and a future social app that will be launched again. For you see, Africans are consumers, they sit and wait for a new one, they jump on board while screaming - our women are getting westernized.

A greedy generation! A wicked people with closed minds to humanity. I sing of a well that my children who shall be of all nations shall read and call me CocoWonder, and all my adopted children shall call me Abba Mama.

A greedy people who will follow and respect Traffic lights in London but will drive through and know a child down in Aba Town, who will stay on the queue in the heathrow airport but will be inhumane in Lagos Airport...Intentionally

I sing I sing, that my own sons and daughters will not only renew their minds to new sex positions and Kamasutra, 

To new design clothes and old archaic ideas, I sing oh I sing, that my boy and girl child will grow up equally respecting each other as human beings and not Biology.

*I will sleep well tonight, Nev baby, Wifey needs You... Then I will sleep & open my legs wide and SNORE!!!

Thanks for reading...

Allrights reserved © Collette Orji, 2017

 Collette Orji, 2017

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