Collette Orji - A disturbing Factor - The Murder Of Conversations With My Igbo Brothers & Sisters & Most Nigerians at Large...

There is a decline in conversations with my Igbo brothers and sisters and needless to add most Nigerians, on daily basis. 

This is an issue I've discussed randomly with most of my inner circle friends and they all share the same worries, It's truly worrisome.
You receive a message like this from an old contact, family or friend and the conversation goes thus:

Adamma - Hello Coco, How are you doing

Coco - Oh, Adamma, I'm doing well. Thank You. And you, How are you?

Adamma - We Thank God Oh

Then there's complete silence because as far as I'm concern, I don't know the reply to that line of conversation. Well, after some minutes, Adamma continues...

Adamma - Are you there, Coco?

Coco -  Oh Yes Adamma, I'm here oh

Adamma -  Oh, You stopped talking

Coco - No Adamma, I'm here. So, How's work and all? I hope you are doing okay

Adamma- We thank God Ohh......Anyway, How is your husband and family?


And that is definately, the end of our conversations. 
No words again for months and all. You see, There's no need to have a conversation because the answer definitely is ' WE THANK GOD'...If you know, that's the answer to all your questions, why would you expect mine to be different since your responses are constant.

** Let me do one more before I truly rant!!!

Chisom -  Hey Coco dear, how's you and work and all

Coco - I'm doing okay Chisom, works been a bit too much but I am surely enjoying the journey. Life is Good. Trying to maintain good health dear. How are you, work and all Chisom

Chisom - We thank God oh, God Over Everything.

Coco -...........Silence one more time, because in my ever thinking mind, needless to make a conversation because of course, We both Thank God usual, after some minutes, you read again

Chisom - So, how's family and hubby, I know you are enjoying oh.God has really done it for you

Coco -  We thank God oh, God Over Everything.

The conversation ENDS and there's radio silence for weeks and months.

So, you see...all you need to do in this life is to Treat People how they treat you, and they will run away. They don't really care, they cannot be constructive, they cannot make a worthy conversation but when you hear what they say behind - Only Amadioha will Bless them for You. How you don't call or talk to them. 
Now, how do you communicate with someone, or people or a generation whose response to any and every question is WE THANK GOD, you should know by default settings, not to ask another person any question because of course.
They Thank God too....Mtcheeeews

Emeka -  Coco how's work and everything

Coco - We are fine over here, work is moving on, we are doing our best Emeka. How are you Emeka, work, and everything

Emeka - We thank God oh... How is life over there?

Coco - We Thank God oh Emeka.

And once again! Discussion Ends. My People...How Indeed can we ever talk? How can we make progress in a relationship? For me, I just make sure I just treat people accordingly.

Right Now -  I am the first to thank God, making the conversations even shorter...for example

Chidimma -  Coco dear, How You Dey?

Coco - Chidimma, We Thank God oh

Chidimma - Hows work, Your Family, and everything?

Coco - Chi, We Thank God ooh, God Over Everything.

...And Till date, I have not heard anything again! It's good to know I can also treat them their way...after all, We all Thank God Oh Right?

Thanks so much for reading...

allrights reserved ©, Collette Orji, 2017

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