Reality Star From My Big Fat Fabulous Life's Whitney Thore Learns That She's Dating Her Cousin...

Surprise! Whitney Thore learns a stunning revelation about the guy she recently started dating on My Big Fat Fabulous Life's Tuesday, March 28, as seen in Us Weekly's exclusive sneak peek.

The TLC unscripted series' preview clip shows Thore meeting up with Nathan, a suitor who she met online. The two hit it off during last week's episode, but Thore is concerned in the clip about some news that he has for her.

"Well, there's probably something I should share with you — very interesting information that I found out," Nathan says in the sneak peek. Thore asks with a laugh, "What, did you go to a psychic or something?" Her man replies, "No, but I think we're distant relatives."

He continues to a shocked Thore, "We are related. We're, like, second cousins or something. I was telling my mom — she asked about the date, and I mentioned your name. … I forgot how the connection was, but she knew everybody's name, and she was telling me how we're tied together somehow in our family, and I was like, 'What?'"

 Thore accuses Nathan of concocting this story in order to get out of dating her, but he assures her that he wouldn't do that. She then tells the camera, "I've been on some weird f--king dates before, but I've never dealt with this. … I feel like I entered into something that I would not have entered into had I had all the information — and I feel gross."

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