Nollywood Actress Mbong Amata Gushes Over Her Ex Husband Jeta Amata - Our beliefs made us 'good' people to each other but our behavior towards each other took it to a whole other level!..
Out here on set to support one of the best out of the continent of Africa...
Our beliefs made us 'good' people to each other but our behavior towards each other took it to a whole other level! Out here on set to support one of the best out of the continent of Africa... Director•Jeta•Amata #friendlyexes #makepeacenotwar ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽#theamericanking #comingsoon#setlife #filmmaker #losangeles#downtownla.
Mbong Amata got married to Nollywood Director Jeta Amata in 2008, they relocated to the united states for the most part and the marriage ended 5 years later in 2013. They both have a daughter together Veno Amata.
coco's note: