Ghanaian Actor/Evangelist Majid Michel - If you try to have the Word of God without the Holy Spirit, you will end up in cold, dead legalism, bound by the law.

To be reborn simply means i change from one value system to another. You see, what makes Jesus Christ so utterly unique is that He was the only man who ever lived and taught us both the truth about God and the truth about men.

  if you want to know what God is like you gotta check Jesus out, and if you want to know what man is supposed to be like, you gotta check Jesus out.

He was the truth about God and the Truth about Men.
You have to recognize that God has married the Holy Spirit and the Word of God together.

 You cannot have the word of God without the Holy Spirit and you cannot have the Holy Spirit without the word of God.
If you try to have the Word of God without the Holy Spirit, you will end up in cold, dead legalism, bound by the law.

You'll end up with all those rules and regulations ... don't, don't, don't!! And if you try to have the Holy Spirit without the word of God you'll end up with emotionalism.

It would have no substance to it. God has married the Holy Spirit and the word of God together. I hear and see a lot of people talking about demon possession in and out of the churches.

There is only one way to deal with the Devil. It's the word of God'!. No other way to deal with him. Remember when Jesus was Tempted 3 times in the wilderness by the devil?

Every time He was tempted what did Jesus say? ...
He quoted the word of God!!! it is written, it is written, it is written!!!
You can't deal with Satan if you don't know the scriptures.
If you don't study the word of God, you can't overcome his power. Some of us think we can cast out the devil with our own words and Just add in the name of Jesus to it.

BUT the name of Jesus is based on something ... "THE WORD".

Come on guys, you've got to get into the scriptures.
Anything less than that is missing everything. We are here to build the community of God. So that when you finish reading this and scrolling through all the other posts, every last one of us will go back to where ever our mission field is, be it the world of politics, entertainment, law, sports, etc. and we will begin to become part of a colony of people who will be a live model on earth of what's happening in heaven. #LEADERSHiP @fourfront1602

coco's note:

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