DENCIA - The catholic church alone has enough money to stop world hunger,Let's not talk about other churches plus they don't pay taxes...
Dencia Went On A Twitter Rant Mid morning About How She Feels On Africa, The Church, Politicians and The Pastors.
Dencia needs no introduction cause am sure y'all know Dencia.
Organized Religion is holding Africa back, greedy lying pastors are holding back Africa and not Europeans. Take away Churches and you will see progress.
Like i said, and i say it again, organized religion is killing Africa Organized religion is the devil in disguise
Lol. the head quarters in Europe but all the churches in Africa. The irony is iconic. Africa is worlds biggest problem. Denial and shit.
Now here goes christian judging another organized religion and make google your best friend and find out the meaning of organized religion.
My Grand-Pa used to say the only person benefiting from the church was the pastor.Stay home and pray with your family
The way i think is fucked up in a good way and genius.
You have to live, meet people, travel the world and understand that only one thing matters, LOVE.
Politicians and pastors are the same damn people.Out here fucking peoples lives up with lies and giving Zero fucks.
Pastors with private jets and members don't even have a zinc over their mud house. Fuck you motherfuckers who think that's okay.
Y'all need GOD NOT Church.
So, Do you agree with Dencia so far? Where did she hit it on the head and what do you think?
coco's note:
Dear Dencia...