Recently, star actress, Tonto Dikeh, has been in the news over the turbulence rocking her 17-month-old marriage. At first, the actress and her husband, Oladunni Churchill, chose to keep mute on the issues rocking their marriage but it seems the actress has decided to open up and she has begun to reveal some of the problems she faced in the union.
Reacting to an online fan who asked how she was able to lose weight and stay pretty, the actress simply responded that it was by having a husband who abused her regularly.
She said, “How? It was very simple having a husband who cheats on a roll and uses you for a punching bag and suffering gross verbal abuse sun up to sun down in my home. Am sure any woman would lose weight, I look pretty because Am serving a living God who never sleeps!!!”
coco's note
Hmm...i don't even know where to start...
Reacting to an online fan who asked how she was able to lose weight and stay pretty, the actress simply responded that it was by having a husband who abused her regularly.
She said, “How? It was very simple having a husband who cheats on a roll and uses you for a punching bag and suffering gross verbal abuse sun up to sun down in my home. Am sure any woman would lose weight, I look pretty because Am serving a living God who never sleeps!!!”
coco's note
Hmm...i don't even know where to start...