The Worlds' Wealthy 8...These 8 Richest Men Are Now as Wealthy as Half the World’s Population...

The Wealthiest Eight...

Just eight individuals, all MEN, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's 


They Are:

1.                   Bill Gates: $75 billion.

2.                   Amancio Ortega: $67 billion.

3.                   Warren Buffett: $60.8 billion.

4.                   Carlos Slim Helu: $50 billion.

5.                   Jeff Bezos: $45.2 billion.

6.                   Mark Zuckerberg: $44.6 billion.

7.                   Larry Ellison: $43.6 billion.

8.                  Michael Bloomberg: $40 billion

In 2010, by comparison, it took the combined assets of the 43 richest people to equal the 

wealth of the poorest 50%, according to the latest calculations.

Coco's Note:
See their faces,filled with smiles...Am Coming Behind

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