On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 six of our compatriots will be on trial.

In the Next 72 hours our compatriots will be on trial facing the death penalty! #FreeAllArrested #JusticeinCameroon

Fellow Cameroonians,

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 six of our compatriots will be on trial.

• Lawyer Felix Agbor Balla – human rights activists and one of the lawyers leading talks with government during the last 3 months.

• Dr. Fontem Neba - University Professor and leader of the teacher’s union in higher education institutions. He had also been part of negotiations with government since October.

• Mr. Penn – staff of CCAST Bambili one of Cameroon’s most well-known secondary school facilities and presumed to be a member of the teachers’ union

• Mr. Bibixy Mancho - a popular radio show host who played an active part in the protests
• Justice Paul Ayah - Former parliamentarian and magistrate, is Deputy Attorney General in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon.

• Justice Sokem Ngale Mborh - Attorney General for the South West Region
Whether you agree with their stand or not, it is essential that we as Cameroonians stand for the rights of these men.

They have been illegally arrested by government, literally kidnapped from their homes! They have been retroactively charged with grave crimes, just hours after they had been negotiating with government. Negotiations in which they had been participating for over 3 months.
They have systematically called for non-violence and demanded basic services for Cameroonians.
The Attorney Generals have been illegally arrested without due process being followed.
We cannot allow our government to act as a renegade agent. We cannot live in a country where the State does not respect the law.
We cannot live in a state where intimidation, fear and violence are the tools that government uses against its citizens.

We have 72 hours. We must let the world know what is happening in Cameroon. Here is what you 
can do:

1. Denounce this situation in every newspaper, on every radio and every television station in Cameroon.

2. Inform our neighbors, friends and families on the truth of the situation. Whether we agree with these leaders or not, the law has been broken in arresting them and their rights have been systematically violated. Today it is them, tomorrow it will be you, your child, your neighbor. Educate your fellow citizens on why it is important to defend the rights of these leaders.

3. Send an email to the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon, the address is cellcom@prc.cm. The President works for us. We pay his salary and give him the luxurious life he leads. In return, we want to be governed with respect for our rights as citizens and rule of law. The President must know, his government has broken the law and we as citizens will not abide by this.

4. Inform every news and media outlet in the world. On Wednesday, February 1st the eyes of the world must be on Cameroon. Injustice, violence and illegality happens under the cover of darkness. Shine the light of information on Cameroon and oblige our government to do what is right.

5. Every day as of today tweet and put on your Facebook page at least five messages to #FreeAllArrested and for #JusticeinCameroon. Tweeting and posting on Facebook is tracked by the international media and the volume of a hashtag will attract international media attention. Five tweets a day by just a few thousand Cameroonians will put the eyes of the world on Cameroon and could
save those who have been arrested.

We have 72 hours to ensure #JusticeinCameroon. Make sure you do your part!

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